Myoglobin (abbreviated as Mb or MB), also known as “Haemoprotein,” is a type of protein in the body that binds to iron and oxygen. It is closely related to haemoglobin in the blood. Myoglobin is generally found in muscle tissues, particularly in red muscles, and is present in all mammals, including seals and whales. However, it is found in much smaller amounts in fish, and many species of fish lack this protein altogether. The primary role of myoglobin is to deliver oxygen to muscles.
Myoglobin in Humans/Medicine
In medical contexts, myoglobin is usually detectable in the blood only when muscle tissues, especially skeletal muscles, are injured or damaged. The presence of elevated myoglobin in the blood (Hypermyoglobinaemia) is not a specific diagnostic indicator of any particular disease. Instead, it signals muscle injury or damage, with the severity of damage correlating with the level of myoglobin in the blood—the higher the myoglobin levels, the more severe the muscle damage.
Conditions associated with elevated blood myoglobin levels include:
- Rhabdomyolysis: Breakdown of skeletal muscle tissue.
- Chest pain due to ischemic heart disease.
- Adverse drug reactions.
- Malignant hyperthermia: Severe, life-threatening fever.
- Severe muscle injury from trauma, exercise, or sports activities.
Impacts of Elevated Myoglobin on Kidneys
High levels of myoglobin in the blood can overburden the kidneys, leading to kidney tissue damage. This may result in acute kidney failure, which, if untreated, can lead to death.
Myoglobin Testing
Myoglobin levels are measured through blood tests in a clinical laboratory. This test is not routinely performed and is typically reserved for complex medical cases. It is conducted by specialized medical professionals in large hospitals.
- Normal range: 25–72 ng/mL or 1.28–3.67 nmol/L.
Myoglobin can also be detected in urine, but this method is less commonly used.