Get to know Telomere Length Testing
Telomere length testing is an important measure of telomere length because it is a method that allows us to know if the age of cells within the body is similar to our actual age.
Numerous studies have shown that telomere shortening causes cell degeneration. Telomeres play an important role in age-related diseases such as:
- Cardiovascular (e.g., stroke, heart attacks), diabetes, brain diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s), early death, and degeneration of cells in the body.
If telomere examination results are long, it can indicate that the physical condition is good and we will live a long life.

What are telomeres?
A telomere is the tip of the DNA strand. Telomeres protect DNA strands from premature destruction. To make it easier to understand… Telomeres are like plastic sheaths that cover the ends of shoelaces so that they don’t fray and wear prematurely.
Age affects telomere length.
In origin. Telomere lengths are approximately 10,000 base pairs.
- At the age of 20, the average length of a telomere is 8,000 base pairs.
- Later, at the age of 50, about 7,000 base pairs remain.
- And it gradually decreases by about 50-100 base pairs per year. Only 4,000 base pairs left in 100 years old.
I don’t want to get sick easily. Fast senility
Telomere short-term receptors must be avoided and the body is restored from within, prolonging cell life, reducing the risk of disease and slowing down aging in the body as well.
Life Style
- The food we choose to eat. Not eating fruits and vegetables, lack of fibre.
- exercise
- Accumulated stress. Working excessively hard, getting little rest.
- Contains antioxidants
- Being overweight or obese
- Adequate sleep (good sleep, deep sleep from 10.00 p.m. to 1.30 a.m.)
- Smoking, drinking
- Exposure to toxic substances, various types of radiation.
These all cause telomeres to shorten unusually quickly.

Telomeres, we are shorter than normal people, what happens?
Unusually shortened telomeres make us more susceptible and sensitive to illness than normal people. It has also been linked to NCDs (non-communicable diseases) caused by cell degeneration such as cancer, coronary artery disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and others.
How to check telomere degradation?
Telomere’s shrinking mechanism causes cell degeneration, causing aging to come to us and cause diseases to us… But we can check that “How much telomeres have deteriorated? From a blood test, telomere’s health check-up.
4-level telomere length measurement results:
High and Very High Indicates that the cells are young and have the ability to divide normally like stem cells.
Telomeres have normal length values. Indicates that the cells are in a state of normal division, but they are better. If you take appropriate supplements such as anti-oxidant or vitamins, you can help slow down cell degeneration.
- Telomeres with low length indicate that the cells are deteriorating (aging faster than normal), which necessitates health check-ups and lifestyle changes, such as reducing stress, exercising, eating healthy foods, or taking supplements to help slow down cell degeneration urgently.
- Telomeres with very low lengths, indicating that the cells or physical condition are in a very bad phase and are at risk of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, immunodeficiency, and cancer risk. It is necessary for health check-up and urgent consultation and treatment from a medical professional.