What are the risks of high uric acid level?
If uric acid accumulates excessively in the body, it will cause hyperuricemia and the risk of gout, renal failure, heart disease, and stroke.
Uric acid is a substance produced by chemical processes in the body while creating or repairing cells.
Foods that are high in uric acid:
- All kinds of nectar, soda, fruit juices, and all drinks containing syrup as the syrup may contain fructose sugar, as this causes uric acid levels in the body to rise.
- Alcoholic beverages should be avoided, especially beers of any kind, as beer contains yeast that is high in purines.
- Meat often contains purines, which break down into uric acid in the body, and should be limited to no more than 113-170 g/day.
- Animal offal, such as liver, kidneys, brain, etc., of all animals, have a higher purine content than meat. It should be avoided or consumed only once in a while.
- Snacks, as they are foods high in saturated fat. This type of fat will cause the elimination process for uric acid in the body to work more slowly.
- Cha-om or climbing wattle, (Acacia pennata) is a vegetable that is very high in uric acid. Normally our body should not have a uric acid value in the blood greater than 6-8 mg/dl.

Therefore, eat these only in moderation, or avoid in people who are at risk of high levels of uric acid in the blood, because if the body has more uric acid than the kidneys are able to excrete, or the kidneys have deteriorated until the ability to excrete uric acid from the body has reduced, such as in patients with kidney deterioration or kidney failure, it will cause more uric acid accumulation.
Hyperuricemia is a common disorder that is determined by medical practice when the amount of uric acid (Monosodium urate) in the blood exceeds its solubility limit.
- 6.8 mg/dl : High uric acid
- > 7.0 mg/dl This level of uric acid in the blood begins to increase the risk of urate crystalline arthritis or gout, and the risk of kidney stones.

Therefore, we generally use uric acid levels greater than 7 mg/dl as a threshold. High blood uric acid, kidney function (creatinine levels), weight, age, gender, blood pressure, and alcohol consumption are all factors that can cause hyperuric acidaemia.
Currently, it is found that accumulating large amounts of uric acid in the body over a long period of time can lead to kidney failure, high blood pressure leading to heart disease, stroke, and increased risk of paralysis. Data from the study showed that male patients with kidney failure required treatment for dialysis which is partly due to gout or high uric acid in the blood, while most female dialysis patients are diabetic.
Behaviour modification for the treatment of hyperuric acidaemia:
- Exercise and maintain a healthy body weight.
- Limit or reduce the intake of foods high in purines, such as offal, poultry, poultry, red meat, seafood, and yeast, etc.
- Limit intake of sugary fruits and beverages containing fructose.
- Reduce or abstain from drinking alcohol (especially beer).
- Drink enough clean water because when the body is dehydrated, uric acid is reduced from the body.
- Treatment of other common conditions or diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes or hyperlipidemia.

Health care by annual health check-up. A blood test will allow us to detect abnormalities in uric acid levels, and if a uric acid abnormality is found, we can reduce or control uric acid levels in the blood by adjusting behaviour. There are no harmful side effects involved, and it can help improve health.